
Skarn Copper Deposit


17. 17 CASE STUDY THE GEOLOGY OF THE ANTAMINA COPPER-ZINC SKARN DEPOSIT, PERU. It is located in the eastern part of the Western Cordillera of north Peru at 9° 32' south and 77° 03' west, at an …

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The Panulcillo Skarn Deposit

THE PANULCILLO SKARN DEPOSIT Cristian Pereira NDSU Geol 422 – Petrology. May 5,2022. MY MOTIVATIONS. SKARN ... • Jayma put copper arrows to facilitate finding the minerals. RESULTS: CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF GARNET • This indicates the presence of ugrandite garnets. • More specifically

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Skarn Copper Deposits

These deposits can exceed 1 billion tons (Bt.) of combined porphyry and skarn ore with more than 5 Mt. copper recoverable from skarn. Generally, skarns are smaller than many other deposit types like porphyries; however, skarns may occur in association with porphyry copper deposits (e.g., Arizona's Twin Buttes and Utah's Bingham Canyon host both ...

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Copper skarn mineralization related to reduced …

Copper skarns are the world's most abundant skarn type and represent one of the most important sources of Cu worldwide (Meinert et al., 2005).They are common in oceanic and continental subduction and intracontinental extensional settings (Meinert et al., 2005; Li et al., 2008; Xie et al., 2015, 2019; Pirajno and Zhou, 2015; Chang et al., 2019).Such deposits …

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Petrogenesis of granitoids in the Dewulu skarn copper deposit

The Tethyan tectonic domain hosts numerous world-class mineral deposits. Among these, the Dewulu skarn copper deposit in Western Qinling, China belongs to the Paleotethys ore belt. The skarn and orebodies here occur as stratoids or lenses at the contact between the Triassic Dewulu intrusive complex and Permian marine clastic and carbonates.

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The endogenetic metallogeny of northern Laos and its …

Skarn-type copper (iron) deposits occur in the outer contact zone of the intrusions of felsic rocks. The larger ore bodies are 250–700 m in length and 5–50 m in thickness. The mineral compositions are chalcopyrite, azurite, bornite, magnetite, siderite, and malachite. The ore-bearing host rock is felsic volcanic rock with lenticular and ...

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The Age of the Neoproterozoic Dapingliang Skarn Copper Deposit …

The skarn minerals are garnet, diopside, actinolite, epidote, quartz and calcite. The skarn rocks also occur along the ENE‐striking faults. There are three main orebodies in the Dapingliang Cu deposit, which are L7, L2 and L6 (Fig. 2; Table 1), among which the L7 orebody is mined. The L7 orebody is in the skarn between plagiogranite and marble.

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Geodynamic settings and tectonic model of skarn gold deposits …

Skarn (or skarn-type) gold deposits can be divided into gold only, copper–(gold), copper–iron–(gold) and lead–zinc–(gold), with gold only skarn as the most attractive exploration target (Meinert, 1989). Each compositional type has a distinctive set of characteristics and tectonic setting.

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skarn deposits and their mode of formation | PPT

Back up • Example of world class copper skarn deposits. • Antamina is the world's largest copper-zinc skarn deposit. – The Antamina copper-zinc mine is located in the Andes Mountains of Peru, approximately …

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Skarn deposits

Skarn deposits are classified based on the type of igneous rock that gave rise to them. The main types of skarn deposits are: 1. Calc-silicate Skarns: These are the most common type of skarn deposit and are associated with calc-alkaline igneous rocks such as diorite, quartz diorite, and granodiorite. They typically cont…

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Gold Skarn Deposits—Geology and Exploration Criteria

About 10 6 kg (>30 Moz) of gold have been recovered from skarn deposits. These occurrences can be subdivided into five major skarn types: gold, iron, copper, porphyry copper, and lead-zinc. Each skarn type has distinctive characteristics and can be differentiated on the basis of geochemistry, mineralogy, pedogenesis, and tectonic setting.

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Copper Skarn

Porphyry-skarn copper (gold) deposits and volcanic copper deposits are distributed in Sumatra-Java island arc zone of Indonesia, Philippine island arc zone, Laos-Vietnam Truongson block …

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Mineral chemistry and H–O–S–Pb isotopic compositions of skarn …

The skarn type copper deposits are widespread in the Jiurui district in the Middle-Lower Yangtze River metallogenic belt. This paper reports a detailed study on mineral chemistry, and H, O, S and Pb isotopic compositions on skarn silicate and sulfide minerals in the three major skarn dominant deposits (Wushan, Dongleiwan and Dengjiashan).

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Mineralogy of the Panulcillo skarn copper deposit, …

The Panulcillo skarn copper deposit developed in an Early Cretaceous (Valanginian) volcano-sedimentary sequence intruded by a Cretaceous diorite. The exoskarn zone of the deposit is composed of garnet skarn comprising grandite garnet (Ad 12.9-47.4 ) and phlogopite with lesser amounts of diopside (Di 89.6-91.6 ), clintonite, pargasitic ...

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Electron-microprobe and single-crystal X-ray-diffraction analyses have confirmed the second occurrence of felbertalite in the Funiushan copper skarn deposit, near Nanjing, in eastern China.

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All about skarns

Groupings of skarn deposits can be based on descriptive features such as protolith composition, rock type, and dominant economic metal(s) as well as genetic features such as …

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Copper Canyon Skarn Deposits

The Copper Canyon Skarn Deposits is a gold, silver, and copper mine located in Lander county, Nevada at an elevation of 6,004 feet. About the MRDS Data: All mine locations were obtained from the USGS Mineral Resources Data System. The locations and other information in this database have not been verified for accuracy.

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Geology, geochronology, and exploration of the Jiama giant …

Study on the fluid inclusions from Jiama skarn copper polymetallic deposit and Qulong porphyry copper deposit in Gandese copper belt, Tibet. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 22 (3) (2006), pp. 689-696 (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.3321/j.issn:1000-0569.2006.03.018. View in Scopus Google Scholar.

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The shallow marine VMS copper deposit of Yushui, Eastern …

Many massive sulfide deposits have been discovered in the Upper Paleozoic rift-related volcaniclastic sequence in South China, among which the Yushui copper deposit is the most important due to its high grade. The deposit has been variably attributed as SEDEX (sedimentary exhalative) or MVT (Mississippi valley type). The Yushui copper deposit in …

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Genesis of the Saishitang skarn type copper deposit, West …

DOI: 10.1016/J.OREGEOREV.2015.12.020 Corpus ID: 130119471; Genesis of the Saishitang skarn type copper deposit, West Qinling, Qinghai Province: Evidence from fluid inclusions and stable isotopes

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Khazâd Skarn Deposit

Resource Information. Khazâd Deposits are Tier 6 (Supreme) ore resource nodes; using the skill Track Mines helps to find them. Prospector's Tools must be used by Prospectors to extract resources from this deposit. The common resource that can be found is: Chunk of Khazâd Skarn The rare resources that can be found are:

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Reconstructing fluid evolution and precipitation mechanism …

Through the integration of petrography and microthermometric analyses, the research aims to unravel the fluid evolution processes and mineralization mechanisms of the …

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Skarns are relatively high-temperature mineral deposits related to magmatic-hydrothermal activity associated with granitoid plutons in orogenic tectonic settings; skarns generally form …

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Carbonate Replacement Deposits (CRDs)

Carbonate Replacement Deposits (CRDs) are geological formations that result from the replacement of pre-existing carbonate rocks by ore minerals, often metals such as lead, zinc, and copper. These deposits are significant sources of base metals and are of economic importance due to the concentration of valuable minerals within them.

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Skarn Deposits

These deposits can exceed 1 billion tons of combined porphyry and skarn ore with more than 5 million tons of copper recoverable from skarn. The mineralized plutons exhibit characteristic …

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Genesis of the Saishitang skarn type copper deposit, West …

The Saishitang skarn type copper deposit, located in the southeast part of the Dulan–Ela Mountain Triassic volcanic–magmatic arc and forearc accretionary wedge, belongs to the Tongyugou–Saishitang tin–copper polymetallic ore field in West Qinling, Qinghai province. Based on the contact/crosscutting relationships, mineral associations ...

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Subtypes of porphyry copper deposits are defined in Cox and Singer (1992) as: porphyry Cu-Au (type 20c) if Au/Mo greater than or equal to 30, porphyry Cu-Mo (type 21a) if Au/Mo less than or equal to 3, and porphyry Cu (type 17) otherwise, where gold is in parts per million and molybdenum is in percent. Skarn-related porphyry copper deposits 3

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Genetic Aspects of the Recsk Mineralized Complex, Hungary

Baksa Cs, Cseh Nemeth J, Foldessy J, Zelenka T (1980) The Recsk porphyry and skarn copper deposit, Hungary. International Symposium Belgrade. In: Jankovic S, Sillitoe RH (eds) European Copper Deposits; proceedings of an international symposium. Special Publications - Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits (SGA) 1: 73–76.

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major skarn deposits are thought to be related to hydrothermal systems (Einaudi and others, 1981). Skarns can be barren or contain metals with economic value. Skarn deposits are important sources of base and precious metals as well as tin, tungsten, and iron. Skarns are relatively high-temperature mineral deposits related to magmatic-

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Mineral chemistry of the Xiaohekou skarn copper deposit in …

Request PDF | On Jan 1, 2019, XIONG Xiao and others published Mineral chemistry of the Xiaohekou skarn copper deposit in the Zhashui-Shanyang ore cluster area, South Qinling and its metallogenic ...

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