As described in the Console-Section you are able to teleport easily to any desired location in Gothic by using the Console. In order to do that, just activate the Cheat-Mode (check the …
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073The Valley of Mines Expedition was a campaign led by commander Garond during Rhobar II's war agains the orcs. This event takes place during the actions of Gothic II. After the defeat of the Sleeper and the fall of the Barrier …
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073Gothic II/Training. Namespaces. Page; Discussion; English. Views. Read; Edit; Edit source; View history; More. ... Valley of Mines (Castle) 75 Chapter 2-3 Complete Gold for Brutus Quest ... Chapter 1 Complete Edda's Statue Quest (OR) 50 Gold Feros Valley of Mines (Castle) 70 Chapter 4 Complete Feros' Sword Quest Harad Khorinis 50 Chapter 1 Must ...
WhatsApp: +86 1822175507326180168 visits since 06.01 visits today 167481028 PI since 06.01 PI today 0 visitors online
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073The Valley of Mines Expedition was a campaign led by commander Garond during Rhobar II's war agains the orcs. This event takes place during the actions of Gothic II. After the defeat of the Sleeper and the fall of the Barrier …
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073HUACHEN Tel:0086-371-86503968 Fax:0086-371-69399809 Mobile:0086- Email:hc01@hcrefractory Skype:dannylsf01 Address:1899th, Zhongzhou Road, …
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073He was not originally a part of Gothic 2, though served as a merchant and trainer for the Old Camp in the original Gothic. He'll ask you where you're going; tell him you're going back to the Valley of Mines, and he'll give you a quest to see if his hut is still standing (K.1.Q.2).
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073Where do I find Diego in the valley of mines? Diego is located in a cavern which you can reach best by walking into the orc region straight from the main gate. There are many orcs though.
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073If you can actually defeat them and want the XP, you can take the path full of orcs. Otherwise, take the mine tunnel. If you played Gothic 1, the environment is going to look very familiar, but not everything is the same. Shortly after the mine tunnel exit you'll find a little field with a dragon snapper and in that field is also a fallen Paladin.
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073It shows the two areas where the mining sites are located. If you have any more questions, ask Parcival. He can tell you all you need to know about the scrapers."
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073For Gothic II: Gold Edition on the PC, Valley of Mines Map by N3Burgener.
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073Valley of mines : Herbs in Khorinis : Herbs in the valley of mines : Weapons in Khorinis : Weapons in the valley of mines : Rings & amulets in Khorinis : Rings & amulets in the valley of mines : Potions in Khorinis : Potions in the valley of …
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073Teleport to Valley of Mines Pass is located on a barrel past wooden bridge to the left just after entering the Valley of Mines. code: ItRu_TeleportPassOW. ACT II – TELEPORT TO CASTLE. ... And that wraps up our share on Gothic II: Gold Classic: Nostalgic Edition Teleportation Runes Locations. If you have any additional insights or tips to ...
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073In Front Of The Gate To The Valley Of Mines Pass: NW_LITTLESTONEHENDGE: Stonehenge At Lobard's Farm : NW_BIGFARM_HUT_01: Buster's Hut: NW_PASS_GATE_02: Behind The Gate To The Valley Of Mines Pass: NW_PAL_SECRETCHAMBER: Secret Chamber At The Monastery: NW_CITY_HAGEN: To Lord Hagen: FP_MAGICGOLEM: The Magic Golem
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073He should be approximately at/above where the "H" in "Hosh-Pak" is on that map. Essentially you want to leave the castle via the battering ram and circle it to the right (clockwise) until you come to a small gate built into a pass on your left.
WhatsApp: +86 1822175507326180168 visits since 06.01 visits today 167481028 PI since 06.01 PI today 0 visitors online
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073Gold Candlestick - 120 Gold Chalice - 350 Gold Dish - 500 Gold Necklace - 300 Gold Nugget Can be exchanged for Gold when given to Crimson 18 Gold Plate - 200 Gold Ring - 250 Heavy Gold Plate 200 Jewel Casket - 1000 Leather Satchel Contains either 25, 50, or 100 Gold. * * Olav's Bag Contains 25 Gold 25 Can be pickpocketed off of Olav. Old Coin
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WhatsApp: +86 18221755073Cross it and you'll find some young wolves and a mine tunnel. If you go into the tunnel, you'll enter a loading zone and come out of a mine tunnel in the colony. Follow the …
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