
Phosphogypsum Superphosphate

Phosphate Primer

These discoveries gave American industry the opportunity to take the lead in the mining of rock phosphates and the production of superphosphate – a lead which has been maintained ever since." In a message to the United States Congress in 1938, President Franklin D. Roosevelt underscored the importance of phosphate to agriculture and people.

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Effects of phosphogypsum, superphosphate, and …

This study investigated the effects of phosphogypsum, superphosphate, and dicyandiamide on gaseous emission and compost quality during sewage sludge composting. Results showed that phosphogypsum reduced ammonia (NH 3) and methane (CH 4) …

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Effects of phosphate-containing additives and zeolite on …

Effects of phosphogypsum and superphosphate on compost maturity and gaseous emissions during kitchen waste composting. Waste Manag., 36 (2015), pp. 70-76. View PDF View article View in Scopus Google Scholar. Yang et al., 2016. Z. Yang, A. Kappler, J. Jiang.

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Radioactivity of phosphate ore, superphosphate, and phosphogypsum …

A measurement of the radioactivity content of phosphate ore material, phosphatic fertilizer (superphosphate), and by-product phosphogypsum in the Abu-Zaabal phosphate plant, Egypt, has been carried out.

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Effects of phosphogypsum and superphosphate on compost …

Highlights: • Effect of phosphogypsum and superphosphate on composting gas emissions was studied. • The reduction mechanisms of composting gas were clarified in this …

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Effects of woody peat and superphosphate on compost maturity and

Nevertheless, little is known about the effects of woody peat on the performance of manure composting, particularly in terms of gaseous emission and maturity. Mineral additives, such as superphosphate and phosphogypsum can also effectively reduce gaseous emissions during manure composting (Liu et al., 2010, Luo et al., 2013b, Jiang et al., 2014).

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Effects of phosphogypsum, superphosphate, and …

This study investigated the effects of phosphogypsum, superphosphate, and dicyandiamide on gaseous emission and compost quality during sewage sludge composting. Results showed that phosphogypsum reduced ammonia (NH3) and methane (CH4) emissions but increased nitrous oxide (N …

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Effects of phosphogypsum and superphosphate on compost …

This study investigated the effects of phosphogypsum and superphosphate on the maturity and gaseous emissions of composting kitchen waste. Two amended compost …

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Effects of phosphogypsum and superphosphate on …

DOI: 10.1016/j.wasman.2014.11.012 Corpus ID: 9399950; Effects of phosphogypsum and superphosphate on compost maturity and gaseous emissions during kitchen waste composting. @article{Yang2015EffectsOP, title={Effects of phosphogypsum and superphosphate on compost maturity and gaseous emissions during kitchen waste composting.}, author={Fan …

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The natural radioactivity of the rock phosphates, phosphatic …

The radioactivity of the Minjingu phosphorite deposit in Arusha-Tanzania was determined by radiochemical and radiometric methods of analysis. The main radioisotopes analysed in the rock phosphate, phosphate concentrate (ground rock phosphate), phosphate fertilizers (superphosphate, and triple superphosphate) and phosphogypsum were 238 U, …

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Single Superphosphate

Single superphosphate (SSP) was the first commercial mineral fertilizer, and it led to the development of the modern plant nutrient industry. ... (MCP, also called calcium dihydrogen phosphate) and gypsum, no problems arise with phosphogypsum byproduct disposal unlike the manufacture of other common P fertilizers. SSP is also known as ordinary ...

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Role of phosphorous additives on nitrogen conservation and …

Adding phosphogypsum could significantly reduce NH 3 emission and total nitrogen loss, but increase N 2 O emission. Application of 10% superphosphate mitigated NH 3 …

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Effects of phosphogypsum, superphosphate, and …

Effects of phosphogypsum, superphosphate, and dicyandiamide on gaseous emission and compost quality during sewage sludge composting. scientific article published on 05 September 2018. Statements. instance of. scholarly article. 1 reference. stated in. Europe PubMed Central. PubMed publication ID.

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Phosphogypsum is a waste by-product from the processing of phosphate rock in plants producing phosphoric acid and phosphate fertilizers, such as superphosphate. The wet chemical phosphoric acid treatment process, or 'wet process', in which phosphate ore is digested with sulfuric acid, is widely used to produce phosphoric acid and calcium ...

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Microbial succession and molecular ecological networks …

This study assessed the effects of superphosphate (SPP) and phosphogypsum (PPG) on the bacterial and fungal community succession and molecular ecological networks during composting. Adding SPP and PPG had positive effects on the bacterial richness and diversity, negative effects on the fungal richness and diversity.

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Effects of phosphogypsum, superphosphate, and …

DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2018.09.023 Corpus ID: 52879266; Effects of phosphogypsum, superphosphate, and dicyandiamide on gaseous emission and compost quality during sewage sludge composting.

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Microbial succession and molecular ecological networks

This study assessed the effects of superphosphate (SPP) and phosphogypsum (PPG) on the bacterial and fungal community succession and molecular ecological networks during composting. Adding SPP and PPG had positive effects on the bacterial richness and diversity, negative effects on the fungal richne …

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Effects of Dicyandiamide, Phosphogypsum, and Superphosphate …

Dicyandiamide combined with phosphogypsum or superphosphate could enhance mitigation of the total greenhouse gas (37.46% and 29.55%) and NH 3 emissions (18.28% and 21.48%). The combination of dicyandiamide and phosphogypsum exhibits the most pronounced emission reduction effect, simultaneously decreasing the NH 3, CH 4, and …

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Effects of phosphogypsum, superphosphate, and …

Results show that phosphorous additives could effectively conserve nitrogen and improve compost quality by introducing additional nutrients into the compost with the addition …

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Phosphogypsum | US EPA

Phosphogypsum stacks additionally contain low-pH process water and heavy metals as a result of the wet acid fertilizer production process. The regulations at 40 CFR 61 Subpart R require phosphogypsum to be managed in stacks to limit public exposure from emissions of radon. (Stacking was the predominant method of phosphogypsum management …

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OF USING PHOSPHOGYPSUM AS SOIL CONDITIONER: A CASE STUDY OF BRAZIL Barbara Mazzilli, Catia Saueia, Marcelo Nisti NORM IX - Denver 2019 ... Phosphoric acid is the starting material for the most utilized fertilizers: triple superphosphate (TSP), single superphosphate (SSP), monoammonium phosphate (MAP) and diammonium phosphate (DAP).

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Radioactivity of Phosphate Ore, Superphosphate, and Phosphogypsum …

of 523, 473, and 134 Bq kg−1; 226Ra in concentrations of 514, 301, and 411 Bq kg−1; 232Th in concentrations of 37, 24, and 19 Bq kg−1; and 40K in concentrations of 19, 3, and 16 Bq kg−1 for the analyzed materials, respectively. The data are discussed and compared with those given in the literature for some other countries in light of permissible radiation dose rates. ©1994Health ...

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Effects of dicyandiamide, phosphogypsum and superphosphate …

This study investigated the effects of dicyandiamide, phosphogypsum and superphosphate on greenhouse gas emissions and compost maturity during pig manure composting. The results indicated that the addition of dicyandiamide and phosphorus additives had no negative effect on organic matter degradation, and could improve the compost maturity. ...

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Radioactive Material From Fertilizer Production | US EPA

Phosphogypsum, a waste product from manufacturing fertilizer, emits radon, a radioactive gas. It also contains the radioactive elements uranium, thorium and radium. Phosphate rock mining is the fifth largest mining industry in the United States in terms of the amount of material mined. The phosphate industry is concentrated in the southeastern ...

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Effects of phosphogypsum on enzyme activity and microbial …

Phosphogypsum (PG) is a solid waste produced by sulfuric acid decomposing phosphate rock to produce phosphoric acid. The main component is calcium sulfate and …

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Phosphogypsum is a waste by-product from the processing of phosphate rock in plants producing phosphoric acid and phosphate fertilizers, such as superphosphate. The wet chemical phosphoric acid treatment process, or 'wet process', in which phosphate ore is digested with sulfuric acid, is widely used to produce phosphoric acid and calcium ...

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Effect of superphosphate addition on heavy metals …

Many studies reported that different kinds of phosphate amendments, such as, superphosphate (SSP), calcium magnesium phosphate (facilitating struvite crystallization), phosphate rock, phosphogypsum, etc., could effectively reduce nitrogen loss, increase phosphorus content, and improve the quality of compost product derived from livestock and ...

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Effects of dicyandiamide, phosphogypsum and …

It has been demonstrated that introducing chemical additives, e.g. dicyandiamide (DCD), phosphogypsum (PPG) and superphosphate (SSP) is an effective approach for …

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Natural radioactivity in phosphate rock, phosphogypsum and phosphate

Phosphate deposits are generally characterized by enhanced radionuclide concentrations compared to natural levels. The mining and processing of this phosphate ore redistribute radionuclides throughout the environment and introduce them into phosphoric acid and phosphogypsum. Phosphoric acid is the starting material for triple superphosphate …

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ever-expanding phosphogypsum stacks near the fertilizer facilities that generated them. 29. A phosphogypsum stack . can be more than one square mile wide. 30. and 500 feet tall, 31. and store more than one billion gallons of process waste-water. 32. More than 30 million tons of phosphogypsum per . year are produced in Florida alone, 33. and an ...

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