
Argentium Silver Scrap

Argentium Silver

Argentium - The Finest Silver has a range of unique and superior properties that are beneficial for manufacturers, retailers and consumers.

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Argentium Silver for Jewellery Making

What is Argentium Silver? Argentium silver is a modern alloy where copper is replaced with germanium, resulting in a stronger, brighter, and more versatile precious metal. Argentium sterling silver is renowned for its exceptional brightness, durability, and versatility. It's highly resistant to fire scale, making it ideal for soldering tasks.

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Argentium Silver is different to Sterling silver, not more difficult to use. As with all upgrades in life, if you follow the instructions, Argentium Silver can enhance your jewellery and silversmithing skills, and for the beginner it can actually …

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Argentium Silver – A Guide to the 21st Century …

A new alloy that's much superior than sterling silver, Argentium silver is durable, tarnish-resistant, whiter and more. Read on for a complete guide!

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Argentium 940 Silver Round Wire 0.50mm

Argentium 940 Silver Round Wire Stronger brighter whiter more versatile than Sterling Silver Tarnish and firescale resistant Hypoall.. - Product Code : HS40 050, Price : 1.36 GBP ... The feed material for it comes in the form of scrap from market sectors such as the jewellery, giftware, medical and electronics industries.

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Types of Silver

Coin silver was once a more common alloy in the United States. It is now fairly rare and the name causes quite a bit of confusion. The technical "coin silver" alloy is .900 silver, or 90% silver and 10% copper. The name "coin silver" is because metalsmiths historically made items from melted down scrap coin metal.

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Argentium 940 Silver Rectangular Wire 4.0mm X …

The feed material for it comes in the form of scrap from market sectors such as the jewellery, giftware, medical and electronics industries. ... Argentium Silver is a revolutionary alloy which is stronger, brighter, whiter and more versatile than …

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Enameling on Argentium 970

Argentium Silver .925: Melt Temp – 1410°F Flow 1610°F Argentium Silver 97%: Melt Temp – 1724°F Flow 1724°F ... There is no need to keep your silver scrap separate for refining. AS Logo – if you are interested in the AS stamp, visit the Argentium web site to read about licensing. Cost: Averages approximately 15% to 18% more than ...

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Working With Argentium Silver

Today, Argentium® Silver is 93.5% silver—even more pure than traditional sterling. The alloy contains about 1.2% germanium, and 5.3% copper. As with any sterling alloy, the copper provides strength to the metal. The presence of the germanium stops firescale as well as providing other advantages. Argentium® Silver:

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Buy Silver Bullion UK

Whether you need sheet, wire, solder, tube or grain in recycled Sterling Silver, Fine Silver or Argentium Silver you'll find high-quality silver bullion online at Cooksongold. Looking for silver precious metal for jewellery making? As the leading bullion dealer in the UK, we have a wide range of silver bullion online just for you.

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Argentium Sterling Silver Q & A with Argentium Expert …

ABOVE: Cynthia Eid's Peaks granulated Argentium Sterling Silver cuff; photo courtesy of the artist. In her Changing Sides necklaces, Cynthia incorporates gold foil onto Argentium Sterling Silver; photo courtesy of the artist. By definition, sterling silver is a mixture or alloy that is at least 92.5% silver.

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Argentium | Ronda Coryell | United States

Ronda Coryell is a Jewelers of America Certified Master Bench Jeweler and one of the world's most well regarded experts on the use of Argentium Silver. Ronda_Header_1 Ronda Coryell Metalsmith, Goldsmith,Argentium Silver,Instructional DVDs,Supplies

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Reusing Argentium Scrap

I have a few ounces of Argentium Scrap. Rather than sell it for scrap I am thinking about casting into ingots and rolling and drawing into new wire and/or sheet. Has anyone done …

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20 Gauge Round Dead Soft Argentium .940 Silver Wire – 5FT

20 Gauge Round Dead Soft Argentium .940 Silver Wire - 5FT (Argentium .940 Silver =94% Silver, 5% Copper, 1% Germanium) . Antirarnish alloy. Pt 32.147 Pd 32.089 Rh 149.501 Au 85.449 Ag 1.017. About. AG TEAM; ... Gold Silver Jewelry Tester Appraisal Kit 10K 14K 18K 22K 24K Platinum Palladium Test Precious Metals 999 925 Scrap The Acid Test: A Non ...

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Argentium Silver | Precious metals

Choose from a wide range of forms. Our line of Argentium ® Silver wire ranges from 30 to six gauge, available in round, half-round, square, triangle, pattern and gallery wire. We also carry dead-soft sheet ranging from 14 to 30 gauge, granules, casting grain and more. With low to no minimum orders, you can buy your Argentium ® Silver by the inch, foot or troy ounce and …

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Argentium 940 Silver Sheet 1.20mm

Argentium 940 Silver Sheet Stronger brighter more versatile alternative to Sterling Silver Hypoallergenic perfect for those with meta.. - Product Code : CS40 120, Price : 1.38 GBP ... The feed material for it comes in the form of scrap from market sectors such as the jewellery, giftware, medical and electronics industries.

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Soldering 201: Soldering and Working With Argentium Silver

Follow along with industry favorite and Argentium® Silver expert Ronda Coryell as she shares a variety of tips for working with Argentium Silver. Silver $32.28 ; Gold $2,716.50 ; Platinum $1,015.50 ; Palladium $1,067.50 ; Video & Podcasts | 6/8/2022. Soldering 201: Soldering and Working With Argentium Silver ...

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Scrap Silver Melt Value Calculator

The silver scrap calculator will show you the price for pure silver, unless you indicate a lower percentage. You can select the millesimal fineness of silver from the drop-down list, or just enter a numerical value in the silver purity text box. The total silver value is calculated based on the currency amount shown in the Silver Price ...

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What is Argentium Silver & How Does It Compare …

Argentium Silver comes with a number of benefits, all of which help it to stand out in the market: Brighter and shinier than sterling silver. High tarnish resistance. Fire stain elimination. More ductile than sterling silver. Precipitation …

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Silver Scrap Wire Focals to Embellish

Judy Larson's Silver Scrap Wire Focals to Embellish, Contemporary Wire Jewelry. Findings, Clasps, Components, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, Design. Keep your wire scrap separated in small clear resealable bags and …

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Recycling silverware

Let's say that in your hunting for valuable items made of precious metals, you come across something made of "Argentium." It could be a bracelet or other piece of jewelry in its …

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Argentium Silver Fact File

This means that Argentium silver articles are more resistant to damage from scratches, denting and deformation - this is particularly beneficial for jewellery items that are regularly worn. 4. 40 30 20 10 0-10-20-30-40-50-60 AQL Traditional sterling Standard deox Argentium 960 Tarnishing Index Argentium Qualification Chart

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Elizabeth Hunt: Argentium Silver is a patented and trademarked range of premium silver alloys containing germanium. There are two alloys which are .935 purity and two which are .960 purity; each having an alloy designed speci cally for casting and for …

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Hauser & Miller

Argentium™ Sterling Silver has many advantages in comparison to standard sterling silver: Firescale-free alloy. Highly tarnish-resistant. Lower heat and electrical conductivity, enabling …

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Argentium Silver

NEW ARGENTIUM 940 SILVER - METALLURGICAL IMPROVEMENT . Argentium International are committed to continued research and development of our Argentium Silver alloys. With this objective always in mind, we are delighted to introduce Argentium 940...

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Reusing Argentium Scrap

Just to be clear … the melting points are almost the same… "Traditional sterling silver has a solidus melting temperature of 802°C (1475°F) and a liquidus flow point of 899°C (1650°F). Argentium 935 silver has a solidus of 803°C (1477°F) and a liquidus of 903°C (1657°F), while Argentium 960 has a solidus of 905°C (1661°F) and a liquidus of 925°C …

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I knew this rainbow moonstone needed a special wrap, and I …

I knew this rainbow moonstone needed a special wrap, and I decided on both 14k gold filled and Argentium Silver wire 💜 Seems like winter to me 🙃 ️ #healingenergy #spiritualhealing #metaphysicalhealing #healer #energyshift #highvibration

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Argentium Sterling Road Testing

Reclaiming scrap. If you send your scrap to a refiner, it's not necessary, at this time, to keep Argentium sterling scrap separate from traditional sterling scrap. The traditional sterling's …

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What Is The Difference Between Argentium And Sterling Silver?

Argentium, however, contains a greater amount of pure silver depending on the grade (935 which contains 93.5% pure silver, or 960 which contains 96% pure silver), with the remainder being made up of other alloys, such as a small amount of germanium.

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