
Iron Ore Sedimentary Rock

Earth's youngest banded iron formation implies …

Here we present strong evidence for ferruginous conditions by describing a suite of Fe-rich chemical sedimentary rocks—banded iron formation (BIF)—-deposited during the Early Cambrian in ...

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Iron Ore: Sedimentary Rock

Earth's most important iron ore deposits are found in sedimentary rocks. They formed from chemical reactions that combined iron and oxygen in marine and fresh waters. The …

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Banded-iron formation (BIF) | Britannica

Ask the Chatbot a Question Ask the Chatbot a Question banded-iron formation (BIF), chemically precipitated sediment, typically thin bedded or laminated, consisting of 15 percent or more iron of sedimentary origin and layers of …

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Iron-oxide concretions and nodules 1 | Some …

Iron-oxide nodules or concretions are the most common kind of meteorwrong sent to us. Hematite and magnetite are two common iron-oxide minerals. Most iron ore deposits consist mainly of hematite, magnetite, or both. Iron-oxide …

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Iron processing

Iron ores occur in igneous, metamorphic (transformed), or sedimentary rocks in a variety of geologic environments. Most are sedimentary, but many have been changed by weathering, …

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Ironstones and iron formations | SpringerLink

Iron-rich sedimentary rocks contain ≥15 percent metallic iron by weight (James, 1966) and form a class of chemical sediments comparable to evaporites and phosphorites. Most workers …

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Skarn | Types, Composition, Formation, Uses

Skarn, in geology, metamorphic zone developed in the contact area around igneous rock intrusions when carbonate sedimentary rocks are invaded by large amounts of silicon, aluminum, iron, and magnesium. Many skarns also include ore minerals; several productive deposits of copper or other base metals have been found in and adjacent to skarns ...

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6.2 Chemical Sedimentary Rocks – Physical Geology

6.2 Chemical Sedimentary Rocks ... (BIF), a deep sea-floor deposit of iron oxide that is a common ore of iron (Figure 6.14). BIF forms when iron dissolved in seawater is oxidized, becomes insoluble, and sinks to the bottom in the same way that silica tests do to form chert. The prevalence of BIF in rocks dating from 2400 to 1800 Ma is due to ...

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Facies types of sedimentary iron ore deposits and their …

Mineralogical-geochemical features of different facies types of sedimentary iron ore deposits are described. Particular attention is paid to deposits associated with the weathering crusts of ultramafic igneous rocks and to marine oolitic iron ores. The multistage formation of their geochemical properties is proved available geochemical models are considered.

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Hematite | Properties, Formation, Uses, Occurrence

The weathering of iron-rich rocks, such as basalt or magnetite-bearing rocks, can result in the formation of hematite-rich soils and residual deposits. ... It is often found in sedimentary iron ore deposits, where it forms as a result of chemical reactions between iron-rich fluids and carbonate minerals. Siderite can be found intermixed with ...

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Siderite | Iron Carbonate, Carbonate Minerals, Sedimentary Rocks

Siderite, iron carbonate (FeCO3), a widespread mineral that is an ore of iron. The mineral commonly occurs in thin beds with shales, clay, or coal seams (as sedimentary deposits) and in hydrothermal metallic veins (as gangue, or waste rock). Manganese (Mn), magnesium (Mg), and calcium generally

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The Iron Formations of Southern Africa | SpringerLink

Iron formations (IFs) are defined as chemical sedimentary rocks that have an anomalously high Fe content (traditionally placed at ≥15 wt% Fe) that commonly, but not necessarily, contain layers of chert (James 1954; Trendall 1983; Klein 2005).IFs show a unique distribution through Precambrian time, with the earliest-known examples deposited at …

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Geology and mineral potential of Ethiopia: a note on …

Late tertiary to Quaternary sedimentary rocks associated with volcanics include clay, silt, sand, gravel, tuffs, marls and limestone of the Omo Group (150–750 m thick, 1.3–3.1 Ma) ... Early Tertiary formations show potential possibilities for lignite, opal, oil shale, lateritic iron ore. Bentonites, industrial clay minerals, perlite and ...

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Sedimentary Rocks | Earth Science

Sedimentary rocks are used as building stones, although they are not as hard as igneous or metamorphic rocks. Sedimentary rocks are used in construction. Sand and gravel are used to make concrete; they are also used in asphalt. Many economically valuable resources come from sedimentary rocks. Iron ore and aluminum are two examples. Lesson Summary

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Precambrian Geology

The igneous and metamorphic rocks beneath the younger sedimentary rocks were assigned arbitrarily to the Precambrian, without knowledge of the vast length of time they represented. ... long mined for its vast quantities of iron ore. Slate and graywacke overlies the iron formation and covers a vast area from the Mesabi Iron Range south to Jay ...

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Mineral deposit

Mineral deposit - Iron Ore, Ore Bodies, Mining: By far the most important metal from an economic and technical point of view is iron. Sedimentary iron deposits, from which almost all iron is obtained, can therefore be viewed as one of the …

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Get to Know 24 Types of Sedimentary Rock

Learn more about major types of sedimentary rocks including arkose, alabaster, rock gypsum, sandstone, rock salt, and coal. ... Today, banded iron formation is our predominant source of iron ore. It also makes beautifully polished specimens. 05. of 24. Bauxite . Bauxite, a gray to reddish brown rock, is the major ore of aluminum.

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Genesis of the Neoproterozoic-Early Cambrian banded iron ore …

Genesis of the Neoproterozoic-Early Cambrian banded iron ore-bearing sedimentary rocks in the Jiertieke-Zankan iron ore belt, West Kunlun Orogenic Belt, Xinjiang (NW China) ... The sedimentary rocks from the Zankan area display a mix of characteristics indicative of continental island arcs, implying that the rifting occurred on a continental ...

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Non-Clastic Sedimentary Rocks

Sedimentary rocks of these kinds are very common in arid lands such as the deposits of salts and gypsum. Examples include rock salt, dolomites, flint, iron ore, chert, and some limestone. Organic Sedimentary Rocks: Organic sedimentary rocks are formed from the accumulation of any animal or plant debris such as shells and bones. These plant and ...

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Pyrite Mineral | Uses and Properties

What is Pyrite? Pyrite is a brass-yellow mineral with a bright metallic luster.It has a chemical composition of iron sulfide (FeS 2) and is the most common sulfide mineral.It forms at high and low temperatures and occurs, usually in small quantities, in igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks worldwide. Pyrite is so common that many geologists would consider it to …

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Banded Iron Formations (BIFs)

Banded Iron Formations (BIFs) are distinctive units of sedimentary rocks composed of alternating layers of iron-rich minerals, mainly hematite and magnetite, and silica-rich minerals like chert or quartz. The name "banded" comes from the alternating bands of different compositions, creating a layered appearance. BIFs often also contain other minerals …

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Limonite | Properties, Occurrence and Uses » Geology Science

Limonite forms through the chemical weathering of iron-bearing minerals in soil and sedimentary rocks, and is often associated with other iron oxides such as hematite and goethite. Limonite has a variety of physical properties, including a dull luster, a hardness of 4-5 on the Mohs scale, and a specific gravity of 2.7-4.3.

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Rocks: Igneous, Metamorphic and Sedimentary

Iron Ore. Limestone. Rock Salt. Sandstone. Shale. Siltstone. Geodes. Geodes look like ordinary rocks on the outside but can be spectacular inside! ... Rock Salt is a sedimentary rock composed of the mineral halite. It has many uses! Sand Grains. A Grain of Sand Gallery of sand grains through a microscope by Dr. Gary Greenberg.

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5.2 Chemical and Biochemical Sedimentary Rocks

Clastic sedimentary rocks are dominated by components that have been transported as solid clasts (clay, silt, sand, etc.). ... It is a deep sea-floor deposit of iron oxide that is a common ore of iron. These rocks consist of alternating layers of dark iron oxide minerals (magnetite and hematite) and chert stained red by hematite (Figure 5.15).

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16 Energy and Mineral Resources – An Introduction to …

Banded-iron formations are an important ore of iron (Fe). Earth's materials include the periodic table elements. ... If limestone or other calcareous sedimentary rocks are near the magmatic body, then another type of ore deposit called a skarn deposit forms.

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Sedimentary ore minerals

Sedimentary ore minerals are those that form as a result of various sedimentary processes. Sedimentary rocks, such as sandstones, limestones, and shales, can host a variety of ore minerals, which are typically …

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9.3.3: Sedimentary Ore Deposits

Sedimentary ore deposits also form by chemical precipitation; banded iron formations (BIF), found in Precambrian shields, are examples. Photos of BIF are seen here in Figure 9.95, and also in Figure 7.77 (Chapter 7).

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Sedimentary Rocks: Formation, Types and Examples

Sedimentary rocks of these kinds are very common in arid lands such as the deposits of salts and gypsum. Examples include rock salt, dolomites, flint, iron ore, chert, and some limestone. 3. Organic Sedimentary Rocks. Organic sedimentary rocks are formed from the accumulation of any animal or plant debris such as shells and bones.

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Sedimentary deposits

Iron ore: Sedimentary deposits such as banded iron formations (BIFs) are a major source of iron ore. Iron ore is an important raw material for the production of iron and steel. Phosphate: Phosphate rock is an important mineral resource that is used primarily in the production of fertilizers. Most of the world's phosphate deposits are of ...

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Which rock is an example of a clastic sedimentary rock? shale iron ore

Shale is an example of a clastic sedimentary rock.What is a clastic sedimentary rock?A clastic sedimentary rock is a rock that is formed from broken fragments of other rocks. These fragments can be composed of minerals, rock fragments, or fossils that are cemented together by a fine-grained matrix.

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