
Mobile Cu Zn Pb Plant Use For Gold Mine

(PDF) Toxic Heavy Metals in Soil and Plants from a Gold Mining …

In all the findings, the general conclusion was that there is an obvious decrease in the concentration of the heavy metals as the distance from the source pollutant (mining site) increases. In this study, the concentrations of As, Cd, Pb, and Zn within a 1 km radius of a gold mining environment in North-West Province, South Africa was studied.

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Analysis of major constraints on plant colonization at Fankou Pb/Zn …

Through greenhouse cultivation and field investigation, the major constraints on plant colonization at Fankou Pb/Zn mine tailings are analysed. The results show that total Pb, Zn, Cu and Cd contents in the tailings are 34300, 36500, 215 and 82.6 mg cntdot kg-1, while their available contents are 1:5, 1963, 0.71 and 8.03 mg cntdot kg-1 respectively.

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Chronic toxicity, bioavailability and bioaccumulation of Zn, Cu and Pb

The aim of this study was to assess the chronic toxicity of a contaminated soil by waste from an abandoned gold mine on Lactuca sativa and its relationship with the bioavailability and bioaccumulation of Zn, Cu and Pb. ... morphological and biochemical parameters, and concentrations of Zn, Cu and Pb in pseudo total and bioavailable soil ...

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Enrichment and Geoaccumulation of Pb, Zn, As, Cd and …

Summary of the minimum, maximum, mean, standard deviation and median concentrations of Pb, Zn, As, Cd and Cr in 20 soil samples collected around New Union gold mine (tab. 2). The …

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The Phytoremediation Potential of 14 Salix Clones …

and Cu tailings (Table S1). The PN value for the Pb/Zn tailings was measured at 259.52, greatly surpassing the heavy pollution reference threshold of 3. Table 1. Characteristics of three types of medium. River Sand Pb/Zn Tailing Cu Tailing Pb (mg kg−1) 238 5850 108 Zn (mg kg−1) 370 9980 1440 Cu (mg kg−1) 11 186 1450 CD (mg kg−1) 0.85 51 ...

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Different spontaneous plant communities in Sanmen Pb/Zn mine …

Our results suggest that the colonization of F. tikoua on Pb-Zn tailing wastelands could slightly reduce the pH values, which may be attributed to the release of H + from plant roots to neutralize ...

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Toxicity assessment using Lactuca sativa L. bioassay of the

The Rodalquilar mining district (Almería, SE Spain) is an abandoned mining area in which gold and other metal (Pb–Zn–Cu–Ag–Au) bearing minerals were exploited, mainly in the form of sulphides or native elements. Rodalquilar was exploited for different ores (Pb, Zn, Cu, Mn, Au) at different times (Hernandez 2005). The main ore mined in ...

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Bioaccumulation of lead (Pb) and its effects in plants: A review

The lead (Pb) is one of the most common heavy metal contaminants in soils. Plants are exceedingly harmful to it (Zeng et al., 2007).Pb has no biological purpose in plants, although it can create morphological, physiological, and biochemical problems (Zeng et al., 2007, Kumar et al., 2017).A soil lead hazard is defined by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as bare …

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Leaching of Cu, Zn, and Pb from Sulfidic Tailings Under the …

The leaching of Cu, In, Zn, and Pb from a hydrometallurgical residue was significantly affected by the temperature; however, for Pb, it contributed to only 4.5% of its …

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Application of biochar and compost improved soil properties …

This study evaluated the effect of biochar and compost on physiochemical properties, heavy metal content, microbial biomass, enzyme activities, and plant growth in Pb–Zn mine tailings. In this study, a pot experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of biochar, compost, and their combination on the availability of heavy metals, physicochemical features, …

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Chronic toxicity, bioavailability and bioaccumulation of Zn, Cu and Pb

Adverse effects of contaminated soils have been widely assessed by the use of plants. The aim of this study was to assess the chronic toxicity of a contaminated soil by waste from an abandoned gold mine on Lactuca sativa and its relationship with the bioavailability and bioaccumulation of Zn, Cu and Pb.

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Chronic toxicity, bioavailability and bioaccumulation of Zn, …

The aim of this study was to assess the chronic toxicity of a contaminated soil by waste from an abandoned gold mine on Lactuca sativa and its relationship with the bioavailability and …

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Growth of Vetiveria zizanioides and Phragmities australis on Pb/Zn …

However, the Pb/Zn mine tailings contained extremelyConclusions. The use of either manure compost or sewage sludge resulted in decreased pH and DTPA-extractable metal ions in the Pb/Zn and Cu mine tailings, with a better growth of vetiver and common reed in all treatments except for the use of manure compost in Pb/Zn mine tailings.

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Leaching of Cu, Zn, and Pb from Sulfidic Tailings Under …

Suldic Mining Tailings and Characterization The solid material used in this work was a fresh suldic mining tailing (SUL_NC_02) from an active Cu–Zn mine located in Southern Portugal (Neves Corvo, Portugal). The sample was dried at 40 °C, homogenized, split, and stored in plastic bags under vacuum and then refrigerated (4 °C) for

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sensitive use according to Romanian legislation, 1.5 times in case of Cu and Cd, 3 times in case of Zn and 18 times in case of Pb. Tab. 1. Descriptive statistics of total, water and DTPA extractable Cu, Pb, Zn and Cd in soil Cu Pb Total DTPA Water Total DTPA Water (mg kg-1) Min 38.1 6.5 1.4 87.8 0.1 0.7 Max 1770 187 147 23300 753 16.2

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Accumulation properties of As, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn by four wetland plant

None of the element concentrations of the plant parts reached above the total concentration of the same element in the mine tailings, except for E. angustifolium, which had higher As concentration in roots than the total As concentration of the tailings (Table 1).However, most of the root metal concentrations exceeded the metal concentration of the NH 4 OAc …

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Bioaccessibility of As, Cu, Pb, and Zn in mine waste

Results and discussion The complex of heavy metals As, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Pb, V, and Zn can be divided into three main groups of different interpretation: (1) uninfluenced by mining ...

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Accumulation of As, Ag, Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn by Native Plants …

The capability of native plant species grown in polluted post-mining soils to accumulate metals was evaluated in view of their possible suitability for phytoremediation. ... Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn by Native Plants Growing in Soils Contaminated by Mining Environmental Liabilities in the Peruvian Andes Plants (Basel). 2021 Jan 27;10(2):241. doi: 10. ...

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Chelate facilitated phytoextraction of Pb, Cd, and Zn from a …

The soil polluted with Zn, Pb, and Cd was collected from the Angouran Pb–Zn mine site, Iran (36°36′41″ N and 47°23′32″ E), air dried, sieved (≤ 2 mm) for removing gravel, stone, and ...

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[PDF] Toxicity assessment using Lactuca sativa L

PurposeWe used the different soluble-in-water concentrations of As, Cu, Mn, Pb and Zn from contaminated soils in an abandoned mining area (anthropogenic origin) to assess the phytotoxicity of the abandoned site using the results obtained with a Lactuca sativa L. bioassay.Material and methodsThe study has been carried out on potentially polluted samples …

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pH Dependent Leaching Behavior of Zn, Cd, Pb, Cu and As from Mining

From the Middle Ages until the beginning of the twentieth century, extensive Zn–Pb mining and smelting was carried out in East-Belgium. By lack of waste treatment techniques and sustainable management practices, metal-bearing slags and unprocessed waste were dumped in huge tailings, which still represent an important source of contamination. A …

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Drivers and mechanisms of spontaneous plant community …

Drivers and mechanisms of spontaneous plant community succession in abandoned Pb Zn mining areas in Yunnan, China September 2023 The Science of The Total Environment 904(13):166871

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Accumulation of Pb, Cd, Cu and Zn in plants and

DOI: 10.1016/J.ENVINT.2003.10.012 Corpus ID: 39827893; Accumulation of Pb, Cd, Cu and Zn in plants and hyperaccumulator choice in Lanping lead-zinc mine area, China. @article{Zu2004AccumulationOP, title={Accumulation of Pb, Cd, Cu and Zn in plants and hyperaccumulator choice in Lanping lead-zinc mine area, China.}, author={Yan-qun Zu and Li …

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Chronic toxicity, bioavailability and bioaccumulation of Zn, …

Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Chronic toxicity, bioavailability and bioaccumulation of Zn, Cu and Pb in Lactuca sativa exposed to waste from an abandoned gold mine." by María …

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Accumulation of Pb, Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn in plants and choice …

Various industrial activities contribute heavy metals to the soil environment directly or indirectly through the release of solid wastes, waste gases, and wastewater. Phytoremediation can be potentially used to remedy metal-contaminated sites. A major step towards the development of phytoremediation of heavy metal-impacted soils is the discovery of the heavy metal …

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Spatial Distribution of As, Cr, Pb, Cd, Cu, and Zn in the

Historical and active mining has adversely affected the geochemistry of the Jiehe River in the Jiaodong Peninsula, which has the largest gold ore reserves in China. Water and sediment samples were collected along the 37.8 km long river during the critical low flow season. Samples were analyzed for their geochemical properties, total concentrations of As, Cr, Pb, …

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Use of Vetiver and Other Three Grasses for Revegetation …

cylindraca are of the dominant species naturally colonizing on the Lechang Pb/Zn mine tailings. Root elongation test demonstrates that the mine population of C. dactylon has evolved high multi-tolerance to Pb, Zn and Cu (Shu, 1997; Shu et al., 1998). Both the native grasses may have the potentiality to be used in revegetation of Pb/Zn mine ...

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Mobility, bioaccumulation in plants, and risk assessment of …

This index took the highest average value for Cd and the lowest for Pb and formed the following series: Cd > Zn > Cu > Ni > Cr > Pb, indicating the significant mobility of Cd and …

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Effects of soil properties on heavy metal bioavailability and

Mining activities have led to heavy metal contamination in most agricultural soils and in food crops 1,2,3,4.Most of the heavy metals (copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn) etc.) are essential ...

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Spatial Distribution of As, Cr, Pb, Cd, Cu, and Zn in the Water …

Herein, approximately 100.0% of the samples for Hg, 86.8% for Cd, 78.9% for As, 63.1% for Cu, and 39.5% for Zn exceeded their corresponding thresholds by comparison with the grade II level of ...

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