
Hexavalent Chromium Widespread

Contaminants > Chromium VI > Treatment Technologies

Overview. Chromium primarily exists in nature in the trivalent and hexavalent states. Due to its widespread industrial use, it has been found in at least 120 of the 1,591 current or former NPL sites and is often found in contaminated groundwater along with complex mixtures of pollutants, which can make its remediation more difficult.

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Microbial strategies for effective hexavalent chromium …

Microbial reduction stands as an effective method for mitigating hexavalent chromium pollution. Research has indicated that certain microorganisms possess the …

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Occurrence and distribution of hexavalent chromium in groundwater from

Chromium in aquatic systems occurs primarily in one of two oxidation states: trivalent chromium (Cr(III)) and hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)). The speciation of Cr is pH- and redox-dependent (Kotaś and Stasicka, 2000, McNeill et al., 2012).Trivalent chromium occurs as a cation that is dominated by insoluble hydroxide complexes, while Cr(VI) occurs as the …

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Chromium-6 in U.S. Tap Water

To its widespread use in industries Cr (VI) is highly toxic and one of the most common environmental contaminants. Cr (VI) is frequently non-biodegradable in nature, which …

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Current understanding of hexavalent chromium [Cr (VI)] neurotoxicity

Hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)] is a global environmental pollutant that increases risk for several types of cancers and is increasingly being recognized as a neurotoxicant. ... Widespread neurodegeneration was observed in multiple studies across multiple species, with notable toxicity to Purkinje cells of the cerebellum (Soudani et al., 2012 ...

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Chromate-free Coatings Systems for Aerospace …

In addition, hexavalent chromium imparts a "self-healing" character to the coating during oxidative (corrosive) attack. Self-healing occurs by the reduction of Cr(VI) in the coating to an insoluble Cr 3+ compound. …

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NRDC: Congress Must Protect People from Toxic …

hexavalent chromium (hex chrome) is a widespread contaminant at hazardous waste sites and in drinking water. The National Institute of Health's ... How Hexavalent Chromium is Designated and ...

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Inflammatory effects of hexavalent chromium in the lung: A

Besides smoking, lung cancer can be caused by other factors, including heavy metals such as cadmium, nickel, arsenic, beryllium and hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)], which is used in multiple settings, resulting in widespread environmental and occupational exposures as well as heavy use. The mechanism b …

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Microbial strategies for effective hexavalent chromium …

The widespread application of the heavy metal chromium has led to an increasingly severe problem of chromium pollution. Microbial removal of Cr(Ⅵ) has been proven as an effective method. Based on the previous reviews, this review systematically discusses the physicochemical properties of hexavalent chromium in the environment and its natural ...

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Hexavalent Chromium: 11 Answers for Water Drinkers

What is hexavalent chromium? Hexavalent chromium (or chromium-6) is a highly toxic form of the naturally occurring metal chromium. It is a well-known human carcinogen when inhaled, and recent evidence indicates it can cause stomach or gastrointestinal cancer when ingested in drinking water. ... Widespread industrial use has led to detections of ...

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Hexavalent-Chromium-Induced Oxidative Stress and the

Hexavalent chromium is a highly soluble environmental contaminant. It is a widespread anthropogenic chromium species that is 100 times more toxic than trivalent chromium. Leather, chrome plating, coal mining and paint industries are the major sources of hexavalent chromium in water. Hexavalent chrom …

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Health hazards of hexavalent chromium (Cr (VI)) and its …

To its widespread use in industries Cr (VI) is highly toxic and one of the most common environmental contaminants. Cr (VI) is frequently non-biodegradable in nature, which means it stays in the environment for a long time, pollutes the soil and water, and poses substantial health risks to humans and wildlife. ... Hexavalent chromium is a well ...

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Hexavalent vs. Trivalent Chrome Plating: What …

Hexavalent chrome is probably one of the most widely known finishing compounds in manufacturing. Chromium alloys have been popular in the automotive industry for everything from tubing to coating. Its near-ubiquity in the mid-20th century is due to its superior resistance to corrosion, heat, and weather.

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Hexavalent Chromium Testing

Hexavalent chromium (chromium+6) has had widespread, long-term use in industry for its ability to inhibit the formation of rust. It is also a known human carcinogen that has impacted drinking water aquifers in some states, resulting in well shutdowns. ... EPA's current recommended goal for hexavalent chromium is 0.06 ppb and the State of ...

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Desulfovibrio-induced gauzy FeS for efficient hexavalent chromium

Hexavalent chromium Cr(VI) is often found in surface water, soil and groundwater, which dissolves quickly, has high mobility, and can cause cancer [11]. Cr(VI) mainly comes from factory sewage discharge or released from chromium-containing minerals through physical and chemical processes [12] .

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Update on Hexavalent Chromium

• Widespread occurrence & use – Maritime – Agriculture – Construction – General Industry • Number of related deaths • Number of exposed workers ... Hexavalent Chromium and Beryllium information provided by Amanda Edens, Director Office of Chemical Hazards – Metals Directorate of Standards and Guidance

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Critical assessment of hexavalent chromium species from

Critical assessment of hexavalent chromium species from different solid environmental, industrial and food matrices. F. Séby 1, ... Although the use of NaOH/Na2CO3 solutions with heating at 90–95°C is the more widespread procedure, species transformation can still occur and several studies suggest that speciated isotope dilution (SID) could ...

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Hexavalent Chromium Targets Securin to Drive Numerical …

Hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)] is a known human lung carcinogen with widespread exposure in environmental and occupational settings. Despite well-known cancer …

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Hexavalent Chromium: 11 Answers for Water Drinkers

Hexavalent chromium (or chromium-6) is a highly toxic form of the naturally occurring metal chromium. It is a well-known human carcinogen when inhaled, and recent evidence indicates …

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Enhanced photocatalytic removal of hexavalent chromium …

Photocatalytic reduction of hexavalent chromium (Cr (VI)) has received widespread attention due to its high toxicity, in which the interfacial electrons generation and transfer on the conduction of the semiconductor surface was the key factor. ... Chromium usually exists in the natural environmental water with two major forms: hexavalent ...

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Hexavalent-Chromium-Induced Oxidative Stress and the …

It is a widespread anthropogenic chromium species that is 100 times more toxic than trivalent chromium. Leather, chrome plating, coal mining and paint industries are the major sources of hexavalent chromium in water. Hexavalent chromium is widely recognised as a carcinogen and mutagen in humans and other animals.

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An Overview of Hexavalent Chromium-Induced Necroptosis …

Heavy metals are common environmental industrial pollutants. Due to anthropogenic activity, chromium, especially its hexavalent form [Cr(VI)], is a widespread environmental contaminant that poses a threat to human health. In this review paper, we summarize the currently reported molecular mechanisms …

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Federal Register :: Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation …

Hexavalent chromium is a chemical that has been used in numerous DoD weapons systems and platforms due to its corrosion protection properties. However, hexavalent chromium is a known carcinogen. ... these efforts to provide proven substitutes for an ever increasing range of applications and materials to foster the widespread implementation of ...

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Hexavalent chromium is widespread in NC wells | EurekAlert!

Hexavalent chromium, a carcinogen made famous by the movie Erin Brockovich, is far more abundant in drinking water wells in North Carolina than previously thought, a new Duke study finds. The contamination stems from natural causes, and not, as …

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Review Effect of hexavalent chromium on the environment …

Chromium (Cr) is one of the common elements present inside the earth's mantle. It is the 17th most profuse element in the mantle layer of the earth's crust and was discovered by Vaughlin in 1797 (Avudainayagam et al., 2003).According to some researches (Babula et al., 2008; Alemu et al., 2018; Rowbotham et al., 2020), Cr mostly occurs as chromite (FeCr 2 O 4) …

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Hexavalent Chromium Is Widespread In NC Wells But Not …

The current drinking water standard for chromium in the United States is 100 parts per billion. This is based on an assumption that most chromium contained in drinking water is composed of a less toxic form known as trivalent chromium. Only California has set a statewide standard of 10 parts per billion for the much more toxic hexavalent form.

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Hexavalent Chromium in Drinking Water

What is hexavalent chromium (CrVI)? • Chromium is an odorless and tasteless metallic element in the periodic table. Chromium is found naturally in rocks, plants, soil, volcanic dust, humans and animals. The most common forms of chromium in the environment are the trivalent, hexavalent and the metallic form, chromium-0. Trivalent chromium occurs

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Toxicity effects of hexavalent chromium on hematological, …

The study provides a descriptive understanding of the toxic effect of heavy metal chromium on the hematological, biochemical, and digestive enzyme profiles in the fingerlings of Labeo rohita. The 96-h LC50 of hexavalent chromium was found to be 15.76 mg/L. Further, the toxicity study was conducted with four different sub-lethal concentrations of 96-h LC50 viz. …

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How Do You Remediate Hexavalent Chromium Cr(VI)?

Widespread industrial use can result in worker exposure to toxic hexavalent chromium. It's estimated that over 500,000 workers are potentially exposed to Cr(VI) in the USA. Typically, people who are exposed to Cr(VI) work in welding and other types of "hot work" involving stainless steel and other materials containing chromium, use ...

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Cancer-causing hexavalent chromium spills from …

"Several thousand gallons" of liquid containing hexavalent chromium have spilled into the Huron River. State regulators are urging people not to play in or drink from the river until further notice. ... Tribar was …

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