
Institutional Classifier 2015 Bolivia

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Meteoritical Bulletin: Entry for Qatar 001

Classifier: C. A. Lorenz, Vernad ... Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, Russia (institutional address; updated 21 Feb 2016) DMUH: Dedovsk Museum of Universe History, Russia; Website (institutional address; updated 26 Sep 2011) Catalogs: References: Published in Meteoritical Bulletin, no. 102, MAPS 50, 1662, September ...

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Meteoritical Bulletin: Entry for Al Haggounia 003

Approved 31 Dec 2015: Writeup: Writeup from 104: Al Haggounia 003 27.299°N, 12.141 ... Classifier: A. Irving, UWS, and P. Carpenter, WUSL: Type spec mass (g): 24: Type spec location: ... St. Louis, MO 63130, United States (institutional address; updated 17 Oct 2011) UWB: University of Washington, Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture ...

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A general review of human face detection including a study …

Sharifara, Ali and Mohd. Rahim, Mohd. Shafry and Anisi, Yasaman (2015) A general review of human face detection including a study of neural networks and Haar feature-based cascade classifier in face detection. In: 4th International Symposium on Biometrics and Security Technologies, ISBAST 2014, 26 August 2014 - 27 August 2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

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Meteoritical Bulletin: Entry for Northwest Africa 12951

Classifier: A. Irving, UWS, and P. Carpenter, WUSL: Type spec mass (g): 33.3: Type spec location: ... (institutional address; updated 12 Feb 2015) UWS: University of Washington, Department of Earth and Space Sciences, 70 Johnson Hall, Seattle, WA 98195, United States (institutional address; updated 15 Jan 2012) WUSL: Washington Univ., One ...

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Meteoritical Bulletin: Entry for Northwest Africa 10503

Classifier: A. Irving and S. Kuehner, UWS: Type spec mass (g): ... Illinois 61036-9283, United States; Website (institutional address; updated 1 Dec 2011) UNM: Institute of Meteoritics MSC03 2050 University of New Mexico Albuquerque NM 87131-1126 USA, United States; Website (institutional address; updated 12 Feb 2015) UWS: University of ...

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301 Moved Permanently

301 Moved Permanently. nginx

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(PDF) Bolivia's Institutional Transformation: Contact Zones, …

Focusing in particular on the emergence of ethnic class consciousness as it connects to the notion of El Buen Vivir, we discuss how Bolivia's institutional transformation emerges from the …

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Meteoritical Bulletin: Entry for Northwest Africa 6148

Classifier: T. Bunch and J. Wittke, NAU: Type spec mass (g): 20.2: ... Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture, Box 353010 Seattle, WA 98195, United States (institutional address; updated 9 Oct 2023) son: Sahara Overland ... no. 102, MAPS 50, 1662, September 2015 Published in Meteoritical Bulletin, no. 113, in preparation (2024) Find ...

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Recruitment System with Placement Prediction

A Placement Prediction System using k-nearest neighbors classifier. Conference Paper ... January 2015 · Marine Policy. Nick Caputi; ... Most researchers use their institutional email address as ...

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Exploring influential factors of shape classifier …

Mandarin classifiers are a complex system, but little is known about how Mandarin-speaking children manage to learn the system. Based on the extant literature, we explored potential factors influencing the comprehension and production of Mandarin shape classifiers, including classifier-based semantic categorization and errors pertaining to the semantic strategies, …

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Front Matter in: IMF Staff Country Reports Volume 2014 …

"Front Matter" published on 12 Mar 2014 by International Monetary Fund.

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Meteoritical Bulletin: Entry for Northwest Africa 7479

Institutions and collections: UNM: Institute of Meteoritics MSC03 2050 University of New Mexico Albuquerque NM 87131-1126 USA, United States; Website (institutional address; updated 12 Feb 2015): Catalogs:

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Meteoritical Bulletin: Entry for Tindouf 002

Tindouf 002 27.312°N, 7.561°W. Tindouf, Algeria. Find: 2014 May 16. Classification: Martian meteorite (Shergottite) History: Six similar dark stones were found together by Mr. Alla on May 16, 2014, at a location 80 km SE of Tindouf, Algeria (27.312°N, 7.561°W) and subsequently acquired by Moulay El Bechir Didi.Four of the stones were subsequently …

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Meteoritical Bulletin: Entry for Mederdra

Institutions and collections: UPC: Institut de Tècniques Energètiques, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Diagonal 647, ed. ETSEIB, 08028 Barcelona, Spain, Spain (institutional address; updated 3 May 2015) MCM: Museo Canario de Meteoritos Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain (institutional address; updated 26 Nov 2016): Catalogs:

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Bifurcated Bolivia: Indigenous Governance and Land …

Arteaga Walter 2015 "Building citizenship in the context of the debate on the post-2015 agenda in Bolivia." Community Development ... Powell Walter W. 1983 "The iron cage …

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New Institutions of Indigenous Self-Governance in …

This article analyzes the novel legal and policy framework for indigenous auton-omy in Bolivia since the approval of the 2009 Constitution, with a focus on the specific contents of the …

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Meteoritical Bulletin: Entry for Northwest Africa 11901

UNM: Institute of Meteoritics MSC03 2050 University of New Mexico Albuquerque NM 87131-1126 USA, United States; Website (institutional address; updated 12 Feb 2015) Catalogs: References:

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Meteoritical Bulletin: Entry for Northwest Africa 10584

Institutions and collections: UCLA: Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1567, United States (institutional address; updated 17 Oct 2011): Catalogs:

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Meteoritical Bulletin: Entry for Northwest Africa 7977

Northwest Africa 7977 (NWA 7977). Morocco. Purchased: 2013. Classification: HED achondrite (Diogenite) History: Purchased by Brahim Tahiri from a Moroccan hunter and sent to Sean Tutorow for classification, 2012.. Physical characteristics: Numerous matching fragments of the original mass, friable with coarse grained gemmy green pyroxenes, some …

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Proposed scheme for palm vein recognition based on Linear

Elnasir, S. and Shamsuddin, S. M. (2015) Proposed scheme for palm vein recognition based on Linear Discrimination Analysis and nearest neighbour classifier. In: 2014 4th International Symposium on Biometrics and Security Technologies, ISBAST 2014, 26 - 27 August 2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

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Wide Inter-institutional Variation in Performance of a …

The Afirma gene expression classifier (GEC) is used to assess malignancy risk in indeterminate thyroid nodules (ITNs) classified as Bethesda category III/IV. Our objective was to analyze GEC performance at two institutions with high thyroid cytopathology ...

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Validation of aboveground C stock for Mexico, Bolivia and …

La investigación enfocada a la ecología del BTS es amplia (e.g., Bullock et al., 1995;Dirzo et al., 2011) y los estudios relacionados con la dinámica funcional del suelo en interacción con la ...

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Meteoritical Bulletin: Entry for Lake House

Classifier: R.C. Greenwood, OU: Type spec mass (g): 1000: ... London SW7 5BD, United Kingdom; Website (institutional address; updated 9 Dec 2011) OU: Planetary and Space Sciences Department of Physical Sciences The Open ... Published in Meteoritical Bulletin, no. 101, MAPS 50, 1661, September 2015. Find references in NASA ADS: Find references ...

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Book Review: Plebeian Power: Collective Action and …

In Plebeian Power, García Linera offers a rigorous historiography of the evolution of sociopolitical struggle in Bolivia since the 1950s, and the way in which it is dialectically …

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Meteoritical Bulletin: Entry for Northwest Africa 10580

Northwest Africa 10580 (NWA 10580) (Northwest Africa) Purchased: October 2015. Classification: Carbonaceous chondrite (CO3) History: Purchased from a Moroccan dealer, October 2015.. Physical characteristics: Many identical appearing stones.Shiny, black to dark brown, smooth weathered exterior with very small chondrule pits; saw cuts reveals numerous …

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Well-intentioned initiatives hinder understanding …

Abstract The identification of fish species by non-specialists remains a constant challenge for biodiversity management. In this regard, Robillard et al. developed a machine learning computer vision model to identify Amazonian fish at the genus level, with an accuracy of 97.9%. Their model aimed to facilitate fish identification by non-specialists, allowing them to …

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Meteoritical Bulletin: Entry for Northwest Africa 10256

Northwest Africa 10256 (NWA 10256) (Northwest Africa) Purchased: 2015 Feb. Classification: Carbonaceous chondrite (CR2) History: Purchased by Aerolite Meteorites. Physical characteristics: Six identical appearing pieces with smooth abraded fusion crust.A saw cut reveals many distinct chondrules of variable size set in a dark-gray groundmass.

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Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Molecular Testing for …

A newer version of the Afirma molecular testing kit, Afirma Genomic Sequencing Classifier (GSC), has been found to have a 95% sensitivity and a 96% NPV 9; however, reported findings of test specificity vary from 68% to 94.3% and a variable PPV of 47% to 60%. 9,10

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Multiple Classifier Systems: 12th International Workshop, MCS 2015

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Multiple Classifier Systems, MCS 2015, held in Günzburg, Germany, in June/July 2015. The 19 revised papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 25 submissions. The papers address issues in multiple classifier systems and ensemble methods ...

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