
Small Scale Gold Mining In Sierra Leone

Investigation into the Impacts of Artisanal Gold Mining on …

Sierra Leone is a resource-rich country with mining being one of the main economic activity in the country. Mining operations has yielded mixed results across the country with the provision of ...

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Baomahun Gold Project | Sierra Leone | FG Gold

The Baomahun Gold Project is set to become Sierra Leone's first large scale commercial gold mine. Covering a land area of 124.27km², Baomahun has a JORC certified resource of 5.81Moz of gold across both open pit and underground mining, making it one of the largest gold development projects in Africa.

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Estimation of Mercury Losses and Gold Production by Artisanal and Small

Abstract Artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) utilizes mercury (Hg) for the extraction of gold (Au) and is responsible for the largest anthropogenic source of emissions and releases of Hg to the environment. Previous estimates of Hg use in ASGM have varied widely. In this effort, Hg losses in ASGM were derived from the difference between estimates …

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Sierra Leone | Pact

Pact is playing a key role in improving Sierra Leone's burgeoning artisanal and small-scale gold mining sector, which provides critical livelihoods but is largely informal and associated with a range of social and environmental challenges, including mercury use.Pact is helping to kick-start implementation of the government's National Action Plan to reduce mercury usage in the gold …

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Follow the Money: Financial flows linked to artisanal and …

This chapter provides a comparative review of the interfaces between artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) and organized crime in Latin America and Africa, focusing …

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Artisanal mining, mechanization and human (in) security in Sierra Leone

1. Introduction. In Sierra Leone, artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) – low tech, labor intensive mineral extraction and processing – provides a livelihood for at least 300,000 individuals (Government of Sierra Leone 2018:11).Government statistics suggest that in 2014, commodities accounted for 97 per cent of Sierra Leone's total merchandise exports, of which …

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Artisanal mining policy for sierra leone

"Small-scale mining" means the intentional mining of minerals in mechanized operations not exceeding twenty meters in depth or involving the sinking of shafts, driving of adits, or other …

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Formalizing artisanal and small-scale gold mining: A grand …

Over the past three decades, the global appetite for gold has continued to grow, driven by increased consumer demand from Asia and soaring investor demand following spiking gold prices. 6 Artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) is prevalent in at least 64 countries ().The estimated number of ASGM miners increased from ∼16 million in 2011 7 to …

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Business Plan for Small Scale Mining in Sierra Leone

DIAMOND AND GOLD MINING PROJECT IN SIERRA LEONE [pic] 9.25 CT DIAMOND FROM SIERRA LEONE CONTENTS 1. GENERAL 2. INITIAL REQUIREMENTS GENERAL For the last 2 years our company has been closely following the Sierra Leanean diamond "Industry" if …

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Republic of Sierra Leone

Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM) is an important source for job creation, poverty allevi- ation and broad-based socio-economic development in Sierra Leone and in other parts of the world. However, the sector, which is largely informal, is associated with …

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A Review of the Scope of Artisanal and Small‐Scale Mining …

Over the last three decades, small-scale gold mining involving a crew with mechanization has become more common, for example, in Colombia ... Sierra Leone, and Zimbabwe. The Kimberley Process Certification Scheme began in 2003 to prevent conflict diamonds from financing wars (Howard, 2016).

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Farmland Loss and Livelihood Effects: Diamond and Gold Mining

Mining businesses are problematic in developing countries because they intrude on farming ecologies, rendering arable lands almost unavailable to farmers and making them unproductive. This paper expounds on the impact of agricultural land loss on mining activities in Kenema, as farming is the primary source of income for the locals; nevertheless, small-farm …

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Artisanal Gold Mining: A New Frontier in Post-Conflict Sierra Leone …

This paper argues that a formalised small-scale gold mining sector could ameliorate Sierra Leone's emerging 'crisis of youth'. Burgeoning pockets of unemployed young men now found scattered ...

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Women's economic activities in artisanal and small- scale gold mining is an important contribution but is often over-looked including in laws and regulations on ASM ... WOMEN AND ARTISANAL AND SMALL-SCALE MINING: TONKOLILI, SIERRA LEONE The Research: This report is based on field research carried out in two mining communities

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Investigation into the Impacts of Artisanal Gold …

Artisanal gold mining has a long history in Sierra Leone. Mining is the most important economic activity in the communities endowed with minerals. ... (2011) The Role of Small-Scale Gold Mining in Promoting Sustainable Livelihoods …

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Mines and Minerals Act, 2009 A

Supplement to the Sierra Leone Gazette Vol. CXLI, No. 3 dated 7th January, 2010 ii. 54. Assets on termination of mineral right. 55. Delivery of documents on termination of mineral rights. ... Duration and renewal of small-scale mining licences. 102. Rights and duties of holders of small-scale mining licences. 103. Revocation of small-scale ...

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Artisanal Gold Mining: A New Frontier in Post-Conflict Sierra Leone …

Abstract This paper argues that a formalised small-scale gold mining sector could ameliorate Sierra Leone's emerging 'crisis of youth'. Burgeoning pockets of unemployed young men now found scattered throughout the country, the mobilisation of whom proved instrumental in prolonging civil war in the 1990s, have fuelled fresh concerns about renewed violence.

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Follow the Money: Financial flows linked to artisanal and small scale …

Follow the Money: Financial Flows linked to Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining in Sierra Leone 33. DIG100916m: Interview with mine labourer, Kono (Mine Site 1), 10 September 2016.

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(PDF) Overview of child labour in the artisanal and small-scale mining

Small-scale mining also includes all lower segments of mining (both non-mechanised and mechanised) that are not conventional industrial mining operations. Child labour in artisanal mining ...

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No pot of gold for locals as China mines Sierra Leone

Gold mining has been a relatively small industry in Sierra Leone compared to diamonds or iron ore, but is growing with companies such as Dayu, which says it has the biggest underground gold mine ...

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A journey through Sierra Leone

I'm delighted to share that Mickey Brookshire and I have been in Sierra Leone West Africa for a week now, taking an unprecedented step towards implementing alternatives to mercury use in gold mining, a research mission …

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(PDF) Agriculture and artisanal gold mining in …

hindering the establishment of sustainable livelihoods in small-scale agriculture in Sierra Leone. The emergence of the artisanal gold mining and trading sector in the central part of the country

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Country Reports

Rapid Assessment of the Impact of COVID-19 on the Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining Sector in Sierra Leone. In 2021, the AGC undertook a study on the impacts of COVID-19 on the ASGM sector in Sierra Leone. This report …

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Artisanal mining policy reforms, informality and …

6. Conclusion As we have seen, the governance of Sierra Leone's artisanal and small-scale mining sector has evolved considerably since the end of the country's conflict, in large part due to a set of reform interventions carried out …

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XRF Elemental Analysis of the Gold Ore of …

central Sierra Leone, owned and operated by FC Gold. It is one of the largest pre-production gold assets in the country. The project is expected to pour its first gold in 2025. Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM) still remain one of the oldest mining industries in Sierra Leone; second only to diamond.

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Follo oney Financial Flows linked to Artisanal and Small …

Follo oney Financial Flows linked to Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining in Sierra Leone 1 Executive Summary Artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) has largely been …

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Follo oney Financial Flows linked to Artisanal and …

Follo oney Financial Flows linked to Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining in Sierra Leone 1 Executive Summary Artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) has largely been dismissed as an economically insignificant, subsis-tence based activity in Sierra Leone. This is in sharp contrast to the artisanal diamond sector, which has historically

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Sierra Leone: mining licence process map

A Small-Scale Mining license is issued for three years and renewable for another three-year period; A Large-Scale Mining license is awarded for an initial period of twenty five years and renewable for a further fifteen years. For small- scale mining, the maximum allowable area per license is 100 hectares.

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De Beers expands pilot scheme in Sierra Leone to …

After training ASM in 16 mine sites across Sierra Leone on how to use provided tablets to digitally track their diamonds throughout the supply chain, De Beers has extended the pilot to work with ...

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Business Plan for Small Scale Mining in Sierra Leone

DIAMOND AND GOLD MINING PROJECT IN SIERRA LEONE [pic] 9. 25 CT DIAMOND FROM SIERRA LEONE CONTENTS 1. GENERAL 2. ... SMALL SCALE MINING LICENCE FOR THE COMPANYSince we decided to start the activity in Kamakwie – we had to adapt to the special requirements of this area. All lands in Kamakwie area are private lands owned by the local ...

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