
Small Scale Mining License Areas In Ghana

small scale mining license areas in ghana

Perspectives on Small. 3. Regulation of small-scale mining in Ghana Small-scale mining is defined as that which is operated on a parcel less than 25 acres (World Bank, 1995). Until the 1980s, activities in the sector were completely unregulated. The situation changed in the mid-1980s when government implemented the Economic Recovery Plan (ERP ...

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How To Acquire A Small Scale Mining Licence In Ghana

Application Process for Small-Scale Mining Licence. The Minerals Commission of Ghana and the Minister responsible for mines are collectively responsible for the processes that lead to the issuance of a licence to undertake small-scale mining in Ghana. Below are the steps reasonably expected to lead to issuing a licence to commence a small-scale ...

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How to Acquire A Small Scale Mining Licence In Ghana

Application Process for Small-Scale Mining Licence. The Minerals Commission of Ghana and the Minister responsible for mines are collectively responsible for the processes that lead to the issuance of a licence to undertake small-scale mining in Ghana. Below are the steps reasonably expected to lead to issuing a licence to commence a small-scale ...

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How to start small scale mining in Ghana even if you have …

What is small scale mining? Unlike large scale mining where intensive labor, technology and experience is a major factor, small scale mining offers a simple way to carry out mining. Small scale mining is usually done on areas with little mineral deposits near the earth surface. It requires simple small-scale mining methods to excavate the minerals.

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Qualification of applicant for small scale mining licence 84. Conditions for the grant of a licence 85. Duration of a licence 86. Areas covered by licence 87. Revocation of licence 88. Transfer of licence ... The Minister has the right of pre-emption of all minerals raised, won or obtained in Ghana and from any area covered by territorial ...

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Committee on Government Assurances

Other than that, for now, those four things that I explained, I think you went to the washroom or so. Companies graciously given us areas. Mincom licenses that have been cancelled, we're giving out a small scale people. The large scale people who said, oh, we found a place but we want it very big. So, Minkom take it license and

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Responsible Mining Advocated As Duker,Anyidoho Tour Small Scale Mining …

Following a tour of some small-scale mining companies in the Tarkwa-Nsuaem Municipality in the Western Region, Mr. Koku Sitsofe Anyidoho, the Chief Executive Officer of the Atta-Mills Institute, has urged Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and all persons calling for a total ban on small-scale mining to reconsider their campaign and rather focus on …

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Baseline Information for the National Action Plan on …

issued. There about 1,000 small-scale mining licenses (Minerals Commission). The Minerals Commission charges about GHS 850 (US$ 200) for a small-scale mining license whiles the …

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Small-scale mining licence procedure transparent

The areas found to be suitable for small-scale mining would be mapped and demarcated in accordance with the number of blocks prescribed for small scale mining licenses, and made available to interested Ghanaians in the relevant districts. If an applicant followed the procedure summarised above and meets the requirements for operating a mine ...

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Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining (ASM) in Ghana – …

must be at least 18 years old. The duration of a small-scale mining license is five years and renewable upon satisfactory performance during the first term (Minerals Commission 2015). Note that artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) is subsumed under small-scale mining (SSM). Therefore, even though Act 703 refers to small-

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Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining Impact on Soil and

The gold mining industry in Ghana has made a substantial contribution to the country's economic growth by generating diverse employment opportunities, both directly and indirectly, in mining communities. This has the potential to mitigate poverty and improve the quality of life for individuals and s in rural areas, where climate change is having a …

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Illicit Chinese Small-Scale Mining in Ghana: Beyond

While the engagement of Chinese migrants in small-scale mining in Ghana has gained traction in scholarship, the extant literature pays little attention to how the relationship between the so-called formal institutions (e.g., the Minerals Commission and Ministry of Land and Natural Resources) and informal institutions (e.g., the chieftaincy and customary land …

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Galamsey fight: 'Stop small-scale, community minings and licence …

Eco-Conscious Citizens, an environmental advocacy group, has called on the government to suspend small-scale and community mining activities in the country as part of the fight against illegal mining also known as galamsey. In a press release issued on October 16, the group also urged the government ...

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How to Acquire A Small Scale Mining Licence In Ghana

An applicant for a small-scale mining licence is expected to present all relevant documents to the District Office in the area where the mining - 4 - is expected to take place and complete the ...

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Small-scale Gold Mining Law, 1989 (pndcl 218)

Section 1 - Licensing Of Small-scale Gold Mining; Section 2 - Qualification Of Applicants For Small-scale Gold Mining Licence; Section 3 - Conditions For The Grant Of A Licence; Section 4 - Duration Of A Licence; Section 5 - Areas Covered By Licence; Section 6 - Revocation Of Licences; Section 7 - Licence Not Transferable

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Ghana lifts ban on small-scale mining

On December 17, 2018, Kwabena Frimpong-Boateng, minister of environment, science, technology and innovation, announced the end of a moratorium on small-scale mining after nearly two years. During this period, the government had developed a comprehensive framework to regularise and monitor the industry. Although the ban gave rise to a degree of controversy, …

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Mining Laws and Regulations Ghana 2025

Small-scale mining licences may only be issued to Ghanaian citizens. They must be at least 18 years old and must be registered by the office of the Minerals Commission in an area designated for small-scale mining …

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Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining (ASM) in Ghana – …

Ghana,Small-Scale Mining,mining,gold, I. Introduction. Artisanal gold mining has a long history in Ghana, hence the colonial name of Ghana – The Gold Coast. Between 1493 and 1600, Ghana was the largest gold producer in the world, accounting for about 36 per

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Mineral Licences for Small Scale Companies. The Minerals Commission of Ghana is the Government agency with the primary responsibility of developing and coordinating mineral …

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Dr. Zaato Decries Controversies on License of Small-Scale Mining in Ghana

Illegal gold mining in Ghana has sparked significant anxiety, derailing the messaging of major political parties just weeks before the presidential elections.. Protests and strikes have emerged in response to the environmental and regulatory failures surrounding gold mining. Ghana's rise to the top of Africa's gold production charts, particularly overtaking …

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Small-Scale Mining and Academic Performance of …

Small-scale mining influences students' academic performance. Boadi (2001) in his research work on "small scale mining in Human Traditional Area" re-ported that the illiteracy rate has increased due to students sacing their edu-cation for small-scale mining which is noticed as a very profitable and also con-

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Mining Laws and Regulations Ghana 2025

A small-scale mining licence may only be issued to a a Ghanaian who has attained the age of 18 years and is registered by the Minerals Commission in an area designated for small-scale mining operations. ... won …

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Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining (ASM) in Ghana – …

Artisanal and small-scale mining activities in Ghana are regulated by the Minerals Commission of Ghana which serves as a technical adviser to the Minister for Lands and Natural …

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List of minerals/licences

Prospecting Licence: Valid: ANWIM AREA: RL6/66: 26/11/2018 0:00: 25/11/2021 0:00: Satemkon Mining Co. Ltd: Prospecting Licence: Valid: Pataban Agogo: RL6/75: 24/11/2018 0:00: ... OLEUM GHANA LTD: Active Licence: Small-Scale Mining: SSMP-LAYER/977: DOMEABRA MINING ENT: Active Licence: Small-Scale Mining: WR/2137: PLAZA MINING SERVICES: …

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The large footprint of small-scale artisanal gold mining in Ghana

Precious metals like gold have been a part of local economies for thousands of years and globally remain a highly valued commodity. In Ghana, gold mining is conducted by way of industrial-scale mines, as well as smaller artisanal mines, locally known as Galamsey.While this industry has provided economic benefits to local communities, the …

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Artisanal and small-scale mining formalization challenges in …

A recent study on the spatial distribution of mining operations in Ghana shows that the Western Region has the largest concentration of the different forms of mining activities in …

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Small-Scale Mining in Ghana

Through Insights we provide cutting edge articles on important areas of laws in Ghana of interest to governments, companies and individuals. Lom Ahlijah, Edmund Akrong and Abigail Adikah EN

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Trends in the small-scale mining of precious minerals in …

of individuals wishing to acquire a license for small-scale mining. Small-scale gold mining licenses1 may be granted to Ghanaians 18 years of age and older, and are subject to the following conditions: a maximum allocation of 1.2 hectares of land in the case of a grant to any one person or group of persons not exceeding four in number;

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Small-scale mining policies in Ghana: Miners

Miners want ASM to be reserved for Ghanaians. They do no follow the laid procedures for acquiring the ASM license. Activities and operations of Artisanal Small-Scale …

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GHANA LANDSCAPE RESTORATION AND SMALL-SCALE MINING PROJECT 2 SECTORAL CONTEXT Ghana, located in the heart of West Africa with a population of 30.8 million people in 2021,1 has seen rapid economic growth over the past two decades, it significant contriutions rom ot reneale and nonreneale natural resources ?and resources including agricultural lands

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